ACRYLICS: Hidden Sculptural Art, is an immersive exhibition produced by VCG with Creative Director and multidisciplinary artist ICECOLD located at

A.I.R Gallery, 155 Plymouth Street, Brooklyn NY 11201 from February 10, 2024 to March 10. 2024.

ACRYLICS is a surreal interpretation of the manicure experience, as hands covered in red “nail polish” protrude from the walls of the gallery to weave together the narratives of various nail artists, each showcasing their voices and creative perspectives through nail expressions. With a twist on a familiar and nostalgic experience, exhibition viewers enter into the ACRYLICS salon for one unforgettable nail appointment. 

ICECOLD’s own creative vision permeates the ACRYLICS installation, as she crafts a complete 360º experience for viewers. She showcases her talents through the detailed design and curation of the exhibition, and the intimate writing and creative development of the companion coffee table book ACRYLICS. Through captivating visuals and storytelling the ACRYLICS book highlights the dynamic history of nail art, diving into diverse global origins, its intricate evolution in American history, and the creative foundations defined by Asian immigrants and Black Americans that have led to the international participation and artistic expressions we see in nail art today. The book taps Alex Fox,  Co-founder of Scratch magazine & Global Director of Nailympia Competition for an insightful forward on the blossoming of a revolutionary art form.

It is within the present day nail tales that ICECOLD brings readers into the world of the nail artists included in the exhibition and book  to share their creative processes and personas. These feature Melissa Samuel - @finesseyourclaws, Parvee Perry - @parveestudios, Alexis Auer - @finger_paints_nailartLesly Arrañaga - @leslydidthem, Stephanie Aoko - @studioaoko, Jalen Dominique - @gawdsunn, Momoka Takahashimo_mo_ka1994, Sky Somalia - @skyynailsintl, Aja Walton - @ajackdanie, Marbles Valdez - @ibedoingnails.

Thirty-five percent of all book sales will go to the featured nail artists and production personnel, and will be available for pre-order for the duration of the exhibition